Saturday, November 10, 2012

Communication in Television

I recently watched a show called "Grimm".  I downloaded one of the espisodes and watched it with the sound off.  During the episode, I could see the nonverbal communication between the characters.  This helped me to understand when something was funny, when people were excited, and when people were arguing.  Based on the physical interaction and facial expressions, I could determine that there was concern in one scene and anger in another. 

Next, I watched the same episode with the sound on.  I was correct that there was humor in one scene and anger in another.  However, I was incorrect when I thougt that the two main characters were arguing.  They looked angry at each other; however, I learned that they were angry at a suspect they were discussing.  This helped me to better understand how verbal and nonverbal communication play a role in understanding the context of the message.


  1. Debra,
    It is amazing how much of an impact non verbal communication plays. According to the text, nonverbal communication is more believable than verbal communication. I guess we would have to take that into account when we are able to witness both at the same time.

    The context any any situation plays an important role to the way people will communicate and interact.

    Thanks for sharing your interpretation of the Grimm.

  2. Hi Debra,
    Words are powerful but I am beginning to see that non-verbal expressions are more powerful than words. People can look at you and watch you act and then deduce your intentions or what you are saying. The danger is that you may be misunderstood and wrongly judged as it was in your case. We may think something and yet the opposite is true. There is need for caution as we seem to deduce what someone thinks or says in the midst of non-verbal communications.

  3. Debra,

    This assignment was very interesting! It is important to be aware of our nonverbal communications. I learned from my observations that nonverbal behavior is sometimes more significant than verbal communication.
