Saturday, May 26, 2012

My Connections to Play

Play is important to children and their development. 

"A child at play is a happy child"
"Play influences social development" Vygotsky

Connections to play
Play has always  been a part education.  When I went to school, we had recess.  During that time, children were allowed to play freely.  We played games and it allowed us to socialize.  As a result, children developed physically and socially.  Today, schools are trying to eliminate recess and play.  This will affect student development and the learning process.  Play can be creative or exploratory and it can be fun, so children need play to learn; it comes naturally to them.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Relationship Reflection

I have good relationships with several friends.  Relationships are important because people are part of my support system.  As a result, these relationships are important to me.  The factors that lead to good relationships are mutual respect and caring for each other.  When people work together to ensure that they each other are okay, they develop ties to each other.  For example, my friend Marianne works with me.  We help each other at work and provide support for each other. This strengthens our relationship because we trust each other.  Other important relationships for me include family and coworkers.

Family relationships are important becuase we help each other and provide emotional and financial support.  I work with family members to help take care of children in the family and to achieve goals in life.  Coworkers also work with me to achieve goals.  Another important relationship for me is my relationship with church members.  These people provide spiritual support.