Saturday, October 20, 2012

Welcoming Families From Around the World

I have just received a new child from Slovakia.
In order to prepare to work with the child, I will first research the country and learn about its government, traditions, and customs.  I will also research the language of the country and ways to communicate with the child and the family.  Developing cultural comptency about the family is important in order to estabish relationships with the family.  I will further work with the family to learn ways to include the child's culture in the classroom.  The flag to the right is the flag for Slovakia.  As a result, I can have the child write a report about her country and to provide me with her life experiences.  This is very important for me to establish a relationship with the child and to further understand the child's cultural traditions. This will also help other students in the class become more culturally aware of diversity and the child's home country.  Lastly, I want to learn about Slovakian holidays and the family's religion.  This will help me understand how the child interacts with others and what days the child may observe special holidays.

Using the information that I gather from research, I will develop a communication strategy for the family.  This will also help me to understand the needs of the child in the classroom.  Overall, I hope that this experience will help build a strong parent-teacher relationship with the family and make the class room more productive and engaging for the child.


  1. Debra,

    Very interesting. Researching to get information about the country is a good resource. One thing that I noted is that I would find someone from the same country and interview them asking them about the different traditions. It is very easy for me because I am surrounded by people from all over the world.

    I know that the family would appreciate you for your effort and making the classroom a warm environment for their child. Parents tend to have less stress when they know that their children are safe and in good hands.

  2. Katrina,
    Thank you for your comments and advice.

  3. Debra,

    I, too, would research all I could about the child's country. If it were a younger child coming to your class, what would you have them do if they were unable to write a report? Also, what if the child could only write in their home language? Like Katrina, I would also find someone from that country to provide extra insight and advice. I never would have thought of Slovakia though. Great post!

  4. I think we all would research the family country to found out more information about them. But I never though about having the flag in the classroom.Great idea!!!! I agree that establishing a relationship with both the child and the family is a great idea. Communication with the family and the child is a great way to learn more about them. Thanks for sharing!!!

  5. Research is great beacause it will give you a better understanding of the country and a little bit of what to expect. We have to do reseach in order to have that communication skill between the parents and teachers. If we don't have that communication between the two then we would not be trying to give that child the best learning experience possible.
