Saturday, April 21, 2012

Final Blog Assignment

Consequences of learning about International Early Childhood

1.  International connections make it possible to learn about how issues affect the world.
2.  A global understanding of an issue such as poverty can help to solve domestic poverty issues.
3.  The exchange of information benefits all early childhood educators.

Goal for International Awareness

Early childhood professionals focused on international awareness should create a central website or newsletter that combines global research and information on solving world issues such as hunger.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 3

This week, I visited the UNESCO site.  I learned that UNESCO advocates for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) programmes that attend to health, nutrition, security and learning and which provide for children’s holistic development (UNESCO, 2011).  This site provides information about early childhood edcuation and other related areas to child development.  UNESCO also founded the first World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education.  This allowed various groups and organizations around the world to discuss issues on how to improve ECCE.  The site also provides resources and publications on various issues to child development.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sharing Web Resources

Sharing Web Resources

In my research, I have mostly used to find information about early childhood issues. This site provides a publication called, “Who Are America’s Poor Children?”  After reading and downloading this publication, I find several interesting facts about new research in early childhood education.  I also found a site called  This site provides a link to information about initiatives for early childhood education on a global scale.  Based on what I have learned in the newsletter, poverty causes disparities in education and leads to achievement gaps in education.


Global campaign for education. (2012). Retrieved from